Introduction: Controlling Your High-voltage Fan With an Touchscreen and Arduino MEGA!
In this article we will control your high-voltaged Fan with an 2.8 inch TFT Touchscreen (Elecrow & Seeed) and Arduino Mega!
We implement a few relays and tranistors to switch high voltages with low currents. I have a particular type of fan with 3 phases with everyone his own speed. Read the tutorial below or watch the youtube video.
Step 1: Project Materials You Need
1x Arduino MEGA
Click here for the Amazon productlink
1x 2.8 inch TFT touchscreen
Click here for the Amazon productlink
3x 12V Relays
Click here for the Amazon productlink
3x Relay socket
Click here for the Amazon productlink
3x Protection diode
Click here for the amazon productlink
3x BC237B Transistor
Click here for the amazon productlink
3x 27K ohm resistor
Some wires
Click here for the Amazon productlink
Any type a Fan with 3 different speed levels.
Step 2: Wiring Diagram
Click here for the wiring diagram
Assamble the Touchscreen on your Arduino mega
Arduino 12V - 12V breadboard
Arduino GND - 0V breadboard
Arduino pin 40 - resistor 2 27K ohm
Arduino pin 41 - resistor 3 27K ohm
Arduino pin 42 - resistor 1 27k ohm
Resistor 1 - BC237B (Basis) "NORMAL"
Resistor 2 - BC237B (Basis) "SLOW"
Resistor 3 - BC237B (Basis) "FAST"
BC237B (Emitter)"NORMAL" - 0V breadboard
BC237B (Emitter) "SLOW" - 0V breadboard
BC237B (Emitter)"FAST" - 0V breadboard
Relay 1 A1 - 12V breadboard
Relay 1 A2 - BC237B (Collector) "SLOW"
Relay 2 A1 - 12V breadboard
Relay 2 A2 - BC237B (Collector) "NORMAL"
Relay 3 A1 - 12V breadboard
Relay 3 A2 - BC237B (Collector) "FAST"
Relay 1 N.O Common(11) - 230V
Relay 2 N.O Common(11) - 230V
Relay 3 N.O Common(11) - 230V
Relay 1 N.O (14) - "SLOW SPEED" 230V FAN
Relay 2 N.O (14) - "NORMAL SPEED"230V FAN
Relay 3 N.O (14) - "FAST SPEED" 230V FAN
External 12V Supply - 12V breadboard
External 0V Supply - 0V breadboard
External 230V Supply - 230V
External 0V (High voltage) - 0V FAN
External PE - PE FAN
Step 3: Arduino Code
Download the SeeedTouchScreen and TFTv2 library and import them in your arduino software.
Click here for the SeeedTouch library link
Click here for the TFTv2 libarary
Download the Arduino Sketch & upload it to your Arduino.
Step 4: Result
We got now 4 different buttons on the touchscreen.
When a button is activated it will turn green and the related relay will be turned on.
It's protected against selecting mutiple speed levels!
Watch the video for the endresult :)
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