Introduction: Cookie Cake

A fun way to have fun with friends or a fast way to surprise some one for their birthday!! :)

Step 1: COOKIE CAKE :)

Preheat Oven to 375 degrees

Next, using a large bowl mix together the following

1/3 cup brown sugar; 1/4 cup sugar1 and one stick of butter(make sure butter is softened or slightly melted)

Next, add 1 tsp. vanilla,1/4 tsp. of baking soda, and one large egg into the batter.

Then add in 1/3 cup of flour and a package of chocolate chips(depends on how much you want)

Mix the entire batch very well and make sure to get all the corners and the bottom as well

Make sure the mixture is pasty and not runny.

Afterwards, get your pizza pan or large oven pan and cover it in aluminum foil

Spray the pan with cooking  spray so the cooking does not stick to the pan

Step 2:

Then evenly distribute the batter onto the pan leaving about an inch and half around the sides since the cookie will expand

Safely place the cookie in the preheated oven and wait about 12-15 minutes

After letting the cookie cool down for at least 30 minutes you may add ice-cream on top! Enjoy :)