Introduction: Coptic Book Binding
How to begin your coptic binding on a mini-book.
Two cover panels - heavy chip board or similar, equal in size (here, 2"x3")
Linen thread - height of book x number of signatures + 2 (here, 24")
Signatures - however many you want, 4 minimum. Signatures should be cut/ripped slightly smaller (~1/16") than your cover boards.
You will also need a needle and an awl.
Step 1: Mark Your Cover for Holes, and Make Them
Minimum (4) holes.
Holes should be at least 1/4" in from the back edge of the book.
Once you mark your holes, punch them with an awl or drill.
It can help to make a template for your holes, so they are in the same places on both covers.
If your covers have an outside different from the inside, make sure they mirror when you punch the holes.
Step 2: Transfer the Location of the Holes to Your Signatures, and Punch the Holes in Your Signatures.
You may do this one at a time, lining up each signature and marking the location with a pencil.
You may also make a stack of your signatures and use a triangle to draw a vertical line, making all the marks at once.
Step 3: Begin the Stitch - Thread Your Needle, and Pass It Out Through the First Signature From the Inside
Begin with one cover and one signature.
Thread the needle.
Pass it out the bottom hole in the first signature, from inside to out.
Pull all the thread through the signature, leaving only the last 3-4".
Step 4: Pass the The Needle Around the Cover, and in Through the Bottom Hole From the Outside
Make sure you pass the needle from the outside, to the inside.
Step 5: Bring the Needle Back Toward Yourself Along the Inside of the Cover
Pull all the thread through.
Step 6: Pass the Needle Around the Thread
The needle goes leads you around the thread running between the signature and the cover. This forms the first link in the stitch.
Step 7: Pass the Needle Back Into the Signature
Step 8: Pass the Needle Out Through the Next Hole in the Signature
Step 9: Take the Other End of the String and Tie a Knot at the First Hole
Using the leftover end (the 3"-4" you left when you started stitching), pass the thread under your binding stitch to make a loop, then pass the end of the thread through that loop and pull toward the first hole.
Step 10: Repeat Steps 3-8 at Each Hole in the Signature / Cover, Except the Last One
Step 11: At the Last Hole, Do Not Go Back Into the Same Signature (step 7). Instead, Place the Second Signature on Top of the First, and Go Into That One.
Step 12: Pass the Needle in to the Next Signature, Move It Down One Hole, and Back Out
Step 13: Pass the Needle Down Below the Stitch Holding the First Signature, Around That Stitch, Then Back Up Into the Same Hole Where You Left the Signature.
This is the LINK stitch.
Step 14: Continue This Link Stitch at Every Hole in the Signature Until You Reach the End
Step 15: At the Last Hole, Create Your Link, But Do Not Go Back Into the Same Signature (as With Step 11). Add the Next Signature to Your Stack, and Go Into That One Instead.
Step 16: Continue This Process Until You Reach the Penultimate Signature
Don't sew the last signature onto the stack just yet!