Introduction: Creating Gopro Camera Gimbal Using Common Rc Hobby Grade Components With Roll and Pitch Tilt Functionality

Parts needed:

Spare camera Gimbal or cheap one

450 sized landing skid

2 x servo testers

BEC or 5V regulator source

3s lipo battery source

Zip ties and Velcro

Handles (optional)

Wiring no more than 2mms thick

Screws and allen keys

Note: Major components can be sourced on ebay.

Step 1:

Build the platform that would be bearing the weight of the gimbal, battery and servo testors.

Step 2:

Ideally gimbal is to placed in the middle of the landing skid frame and directlly above it would be where battery would be allocated.

Step 3:

At both ends of landing skids rods place both platforms where the servo testors would be affixed.

Step 4:

As for the placement of the handles. Use the landing gear brackets and screw in a handles at the middle with any material desired or 3d print your own set of handles.

Step 5:

Pre wire the input for the bec / 5v regulator from the battery. At the other of the bec hook up.the futuba servo leads to the servo testors we only need v+ and ground.

Step 6:

To provide functionality for pitch and roll articulation of the gimbal. Plug the futuba plug the signal and negative terminals end to end to each servo tester to the a responding channel in the gimbal futuba male connectors.

Step 7: First Time Operation

Place the gimbal on a level ground, power up the servos testers and gimbal motherboard. In a few moments later the gimbal should be initialised.

Step 8: Update and Other Notes of Considerations

Servo tester range of motion can be limited.

An integrated caddy for a smart phone to enable live-viewing.

Try different weighted vibration balls.