Introduction: Creating a Model Rocket

Our engineering class is currently working on creating our own rockets by putting together an engine, rocket, and rocket fuel.
WARNING: Adult supervision required. Make sure to follow directions precisely. Be sure not to consume/ingest any of the rocket materials as they are harmful. I am not responsible for any injury caused by this project and you must be liable for all of your actions. Use caution. 

Step 1: Materials

The materials needed are listed below:

A scale to measure substances
Eye protection
Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)
Mortar and Pestle
Printer paper
Thin wooden stick
Salt peter 

Step 2: Creating the Engine Casing

Cut a piece of printer paper into strips that are 11in long and 1.5 inches wide. Roll the strip of paper around the pen as tightly as possible to create a 1.5 inch tall cylinder. After this is completed, take a pinch of clay and place it at the bottom of the cylinder, then take a pen or pencil and tap the clay down so that it acts as a stopper and prevents any air from passing through the casing. 

Step 3: Creating the Wick

Take the cotton and roll it into a thick string about 4 inches long. Proceed to soak the cotton string in salt peter and water on a burner and heat it up until the water has completely evaporated. 

Step 4: Creating Rocket Candy

Take salt peter and sugar and ground them individually in the mortar as pestle. You are going to want a a recipe ratio of 65% salt peter and 35% sugar. After getting these proportions, you can then mix the powders and continue to grind them down. Proceed to place the mixture on a burner with water and let the water boil and evaporate completely. Wait for the product to cool and harden. The product will be kind of chunky so you will have to grind it down again with the mortar and pestle. This grounded powder will be your final product.

Step 5: Finishing the Engine

Use a funnel to fill the engine casing with the rocket candy. You want to pack the fuel down as compact as possible so you can fill it with as much fuel as possible. 

Step 6: Finish

complete your rocket by drilling a hole in the clay deep enough for the wick to meet the rocket fuel and then place your wick in this hole and tape your engine to a thin wooden stick.