Introduction: Creative Glow Stick Photography
In this Instructable I will show you an interesting photo shoot you can do using glow sticks.
Another Great Instructable using other lights besides Glow Sticks by T3h_Muffinator
Another Great Instructable using other lights besides Glow Sticks by T3h_Muffinator
Step 1: What You Need
Today we're going to show you how to get creative with your camera (or your parent's) using glow sticks. I got this idea from watching the Poi jugglers in Boston Commons one afternoon.
What you need:
-A Tripod or the self-timer feature on any camera
-Some glow sticks (you can find these at the local Convince store or Dollar Store)
-Ceiling fan (optional)
What you need:
-A Tripod or the self-timer feature on any camera
-Some glow sticks (you can find these at the local Convince store or Dollar Store)
-Ceiling fan (optional)
Step 2: Camera and Glow Stick Preperation
To get started, open up those glow sticks and crack them so they give off some light. Attach the string that usually comes with them, and if not, use some kite string or something.
Now what you will want to do is setup your camera so it will know your taking pictures in the dark, you don't want to use flash. On some cameras you can find Night Mode or something similar to that. That will give you a high ISO which will increase the sensitivity to the light, and give you a slower shutter speed. If you have a more expensive camera like a SLR you can probably change the ISO to your liking and the shutter speed as well. Next, setup your tripod wherever your heart desires, (or familiarize yourself with the self-timer feature) kill the lights, and go to it.
Now what you will want to do is setup your camera so it will know your taking pictures in the dark, you don't want to use flash. On some cameras you can find Night Mode or something similar to that. That will give you a high ISO which will increase the sensitivity to the light, and give you a slower shutter speed. If you have a more expensive camera like a SLR you can probably change the ISO to your liking and the shutter speed as well. Next, setup your tripod wherever your heart desires, (or familiarize yourself with the self-timer feature) kill the lights, and go to it.
Step 3: Experiment
If you don't have the ability to change your shutter speed, you still can take some great pictures in the 5 or so seconds you have in Night Mode. If you are able to change the shutter speed though you have the option to create crazy designs that you wouldn't normally be able to achieve. The key thing in this project is to experiment. Spin the glow sticks in circles, or figure-eights. Adjust the shutter speed up and down. How about attaching some of them to your ceiling fan! This allows you to have a constant speed so you get perfect circles, cones, and corkscrews. Play with the speed on the fan and see what happens to the designs then.
Step 4: Insperation
You can do whatever your heart desires....
-Use the ceiling fan
-Play with the lighting in the room and put yourself in a picture
-Write your name!
-Draw Stuff
-Use the ceiling fan
-Play with the lighting in the room and put yourself in a picture
-Write your name!
-Draw Stuff