Introduction: Creative Plant Pot With Car Tires

About: I like reading books, learning, and making. I love my Cats.

Through this instructable we will be creating a cool and unique Plant Pot. The great thing is once you have created one of different design.

Step 1: Things Needed

Things you will need:

Car Tire
Sharp Knife or Cutter
Screw Driver
Drill Machine

Step 2: Get Startet

To start this project, firstly get a tire and draw a cool design on tire with marker of paint brush. See picture.

Step 3:

After Draw design next step is cutting of tire with sharp Knife on drawing.  It is too hard so cut the tire very carefully.

Attention: Also wear the gloves.

Step 4: Lower Part

After cutting you will get a part of tire that is the lower part of plant pot.  Remember that during make drawing or cutting leave some space for screws. Now drill four holes on the edge of this part with Drill Machine.
See picture.

Step 5:

The most important process about this instructable.  This process is very tough so very carefully.  Now bend over the tire after this you will get a unique design of tire.

Step 6:

Now tight the both of parts (lower part and upper part) with screw.

Step 7:

After thigh the both parts you get a unique pot. now paint on it that you like. I also like white that contrast of my house walls.

Step 8:

In last Step get a wooden sheet and plastic sheet and close the center big hole of your plant pot. 
Now fill this plant pot with Clay and adjust your plant in it. Finally your Unique, cool and cheap plant pot is ready.