Introduction: Criminal Batch Game!
This is game for when bored, or even at school in your Technology class. So I made this little game and its pretty nice! You are a criminal robbing a bank, and you will go through a FAKE process of what a bank robbery would be. I do not SUGGEST doing this in real life.
Step 1: Donwloading
First install the installer... Now run the BankRobbery.exe, now the Crimes.exe is a program that will the Bankrobbery.exe for a cool little icon if you want to do that go onto the next step!
Step 2: Crimes.exe (Icon Installation)
So you want to have an icon? Make a folder on your desktop named "MichaelSoft". Now put in the "BankRobbery.exe" in it. Now run crimes.exe and your done!
I know this is confusing, and I could of made it far more simple.... but im lazy.
Step 3: Have Fun
Bye!! Thanks for downloading and HAVE FUN