Introduction: Crochet ( I Luv U )

#A nice crochet piece to give to your loved ones.

recommended for pro crocheters:)


10.00mm crochet hook

8 ply wool of your choice (i chose rainbow)

another colour of 8 ply wool darker or lighter than the wool you chose above

4.50mm crochet hook


and finally patience

Step 1: The Chain

First you start a chain- about 12 chains like above.

Step 2: Adding On

Next, you add a layer of trebles or doubles.

Step 3: Finalising the Crochet Masterpiece

Using your doubles or trebles continue your levels building up until you think its ready.

Step 4: Adding the Details/Decorations

Use your 4.50mm hook and your other wool to create something like this, after sew your decorations on.

Wear It Contest

Participated in the
Wear It Contest