Introduction: Custom Flashcards With

The website allows users to create custom flashcard sets.

The website offers multiple options to master the content.

Step 1: Sign in to

Sign in or create an account or sign in with Facebook, Twitter, or Google.

Step 2: Click "Create Flashcards" to Begin

Search for flashcard sets by using the search bar.

Step 3: Choose Your Settings

Enter the title, subject, and optional description for the flashcards.

Choose the desired access level.

Step 4: Import Your Flashcard Data

To import a data set, click on "import a flashcard set" or "show" to expand the import menu.

To collapse the menu, click "hide."

Step 5: Choose the Data Source

To upload data from a file or to copy and paste data, click the "From File" tab.

Select the appropriate parameters and click the "Import Data" button.

Step 6: Upload Data From Google Docs

Click on the "From Google Docs" tab. Sign in to Google Docs.

Choose the file from the listing below.

Step 7: Or Create Flashcards Directly in

Enter the information for the flashcards.

Click "Create Set" to finish the flashcard set.

Step 8: View Your Flashcards

After creating the flashcards, the flashcards will appear.

Select the range of cards to view.

Press the spacebar to begin to review the flashcards.

You may also edit the flashcard set by clicking the "Edit this set" link under the title.

Step 9: Navigate Through Your Cards

Use the buttons at the top of the flashcard to navigate through the cards.

Additional arrangement options can be selected from this menu.

Each card will be noted as "front" or "back" in the top right corner of the card.

Press "click to flip" in the bottom right-hand corner to flip the card.

Step 10: Focus on the Topics You Need to Study

The "Memorize" tab allows users to mark the cards answered right or wrong.

Subsequent rounds will only display the cards that answered incorrectly.

Step 11: Test Your Knowledge

The "Test" tab allows users to create an interactive test.

Create a new test in a different format from the menu on the right.

Step 12: Play a Game to Study the Content

Two game options are available in the "Games" tab. Select the desired game style.

Example: Jewels of Wisdom
  • Click on "Play Game" in the game menu to play a matching game with the flashcard set.
  • Users can also choose another set by from clicking "Pick a Set" in the game menu.

Step 13: Export Flashcards to a CSV File

Choose the "Export to CSV" tab, set the parameters, and click the "Export to CSV" button.

Step 14: Export to Google Drive

Users can choose to alphabetize the cards before exporting.

Click the "Export to Google Drive" button to export.

Step 15: View or Edit Your Flashcards

Click on the user menu icon in the top right corner of the page, then click "flashcard dashboard."

In the listing:

  • Click on the set title to view the flashcards for that set.
  • To view other sets in the same subject, click on the subject of the flashcard set.
  • Change the access level.
  • Under the tools column:
    • Mark the set as a favorite
    • Edit the flashcards
    • Delete the set

Toggle between the "favorites" tab and the "recently studied" tab to narrow the listings.

Step 16: Organize Your Flashcard Sets

Click on the folders tab to create a folder.

Enter the folder title and subject.

Set the access level from the pull-down menu.

Step 17: Flashcards on the Go

Download the app from Google Play or the App Store to access the flashcards on a mobile device.