Introduction: Cute Pinecone Owl

it's a cute pinecone owl.


to make the owl you need a pinecone, scissors, hot glue, blue, brown, orange, tan felt, and googly eyes.

Step 1:

take the scissors and cut a one-inch orange triangle for the beak.

Step 2:

once the beak is done take the tan felt and cut two circles the size of a quarter.

Step 3:

cut two blue circles the size of a fifty-cent coin.

Step 4:

now take the brown felt and cut this shape.

Step 5:

with the brown felt make two wings.

Step 6:

by now you should have these pieces.

Step 7:

take the wings and glue them on to the pinecone.

Step 8:

take all the felt pieces and googly eyes and hot glue them together.

Step 9:

now that you have the wings on the pinecone and all the felt pieces together take the felt pieces and glue it on to the pinecone. now you are done.

Crafts For Kids Challenge

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Crafts For Kids Challenge