Introduction: DIY | Adjustable Timer Using 555 & Potentiometer
DIY | Adjustable Timer using 555 & potentiometer
Step 1:
Step 2: Making Video
You can watch the making of the video by the clicking the video linked in this step or continue reading to make your own timer
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Step 3: Components Required
1. Push Button
2. 555 Timer IC
3. Red & Green Led
4. 100uF / 25 volt capacitor
5. 0.01uF capacitor
6. 2.2 Mega Ohm resistor
7. 10k Ohm Resistor
8. 330 Ohm Resistor
9. 220 Ohm Resistor
10 470k Ohm Potentiometer
11. 3 Pin PCB male & Female connector
12. PCB Board
13. Wires
14 Battery & Battery Cap
15 Hot Glue Gun
16 Insulation Tape
Step 4: Circuit Diagram
In my design i have used RED LED for output, But if you need real practical application i would suggest adding a
5 volt relay or a 5 volt buzzer so that it can perform some other operation once achieving the time.
Step 5: Construction
Mount & connect all the components as per the circuit diagram.
Note :
1. as mentioned in the previous step in the image 3 i have used RED LED for output, But if you need real practical application i would suggest adding a 5 volt relay or a 5 volt buzzer so that it can perform some other operation once achieving the time.
2. I have used 3 pin connector & attached it to 470k potentiometer as shown in the image 5. The reason for doing this is, so i can change the potentiometer for different timing. Using 470k pot i would achieve time range between 5 to 10 minute. To achieve lower time range using lower potentiometer will help.
3. to achieve higher time range you need to increase the value of the electrolytic capacitor which is connected to the pin 6 of the 555 timer (shown in the image 4)
4. This circuit achieves only a approximate value. To achieve a exact timer i would recommend using programmable or micro controller based timer(ex: Arduino)
Step 6: Finished Images
1st Image - Finished Board
2nd Image - Timer Running
3rd Image - Output
To watch the real time testing pleaseCLICK HERE
Testing begins @ 2 minute mark
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555 Timer -
470k Pot :
Push Button :
Resistors, Capacitors & Others Things :
Soldering Kit :
Wires -
Battery -
PCB Board -
Insulation Tape -
Hot Glue Gun -
Amazon IND :
555 Timer :
470k Pot :
Capacitors, Resistors & Other items -
Push Button :
Hot Glue Gun -
Soldering Kit -
Wires -
Battery -
PCB Board -
Insulation Tape -
PCB Board Connectors -
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