Introduction: DIY Fire Starter

About: When I was six, my parents bought me a marble contraption set, and I have been building stuff since! I love to tinker, mess with, and just build stuff in my free time!

This fire starter can last up to 5 minutes and 24 seconds, with and averaged out 4 inch flame height for most of the burn but going up to a 5 inch flame height, it is perfect for scouting/campouts and is guaranteed to start your fire!!!

(click the video down here)

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

You will need cotton balls, vaseline, and toilet paper/paper towels.

Step 2: Apply the Vaseline

Grab your cotton balls and take one out of the bag, also, open the vaseline jar and pull some out on your finger. Spread the vaseline completely around the cotton ball.

Step 3: Wrapping the Cotton Ball

Grap two pieces of toilet paper and wrap the cotton ball with it, make sure to leave a little toilet paper hanging out so you can light the fire there.