Introduction: DIY Masquerade Mask Gothic

This is the first of a few masks I've made.

Step 1: Supplies

What you will need:

  • paper I used a red and black filigree and Black textured filigree paper
  • mod podge
  • paint brush
  • 5 plume ostrich feathers in multi colors 1 white, 2 black, 2 red
  • black glitter
  • multiple size black white and dotted feathers found at most craft stores
  • 1 yard black and jewel ribbon trim found in most fabric departments sold by the yard
  • 2 yards black chain trim found in fabric department sold by the yard
  • medium/large jump rings
  • plain mask
  • hot glue or cement glue
  • large metal medallion found in the jewelry making department of most crafts stores
  • ribbon
  • exacto knife

Step 2: Applying Paper to Mask

Your mask will have come with an elastic strap if it is in place remove it now.

Using your paint brush apply a coat of mod podge to the mask starting on the bottom right.

Press the black textured paper over the bottom right of the mask over the eye hole and all.

Making sure the diagonal goes over the nose a bit as seen in photo.

You may have to work with the paper adding more Mod Podge as you go and working the paper gently so it lays flat it will work down as you go. Gently press into seams and valleys in the mask until it is smooth and stuck good.

Trim around the edges of the mask with knife.

Cut a strip of red paper to go over the diagonal of the black paper as seen in photo. If your paper tares by the eye it is ok just keep pressing smoothing and mod podging ;)

Trim edges.

Add the last piece of textured black paper following the same steps.

Trim around edges.

Mod Podge over the entire mask allow to dry.

Step 3: Working the Metal Medallion and Small Feathers

While your mask is drying get your hot glue/cement glue, metal medallion, and small feathers.

Find a few big white feathers, black feathers and medium to small dotted feathers in the bag of feathers.

Arrange them in a spray starting with the dotted feathers gluing them to the medallion as you go. Add in the white and black feathers. You should have a nice looking spray.

Set aside.

Step 4: Cutting Out Eyes and Adding Glitter

Once your Mod Podge is dry using the knife cut out the eye holes.

Add a generous amount of mod podge around the eyes and along the diagonal red stripe. Glitter away... :)

Around the eye put some mod podge next to what you have glittered already feathering it out around the eyes as seen in photo add more glitter. Let dry completely before moving on.

You can mod podge over the glitter if you like, if you choose to, mod podge over the entire mask again.

Allow to dry

Step 5: Embellishing

Using hot glue or cement glue add the black jeweled trim around the right side of the mask and the right eye.

This is a daunting task. I found that doing a little bit at a time works best.

Using the knife poke 3 to 5 holes in the bottom left of the mask.

Cut 3 to 5 lengths of black chain varying lengths.

Put them on the jump rings and put the jump rings onto the mask in the holes you made with the knife. SEE PHOTO 2

Once your embellishments dry turn over the mask and use the knife to cut open the holes where you took off the elastic strap.

Tie your ribbon in each side making sure it is long enough to tie.

Step 6: Ostrich Feathers and Finishing Up

Take your white Ostrich feather and glue it the to middle top back of the mask so it stands tall and the feather hangs to either side.

Next glue the two red Ostrich feathers so the natural bends of the feathers make them hang down on each side.

Next repeat for the the two black feathers.

Once this dries (you may need to use a clip to hold them in place till dry) flip over the mask and position and glue the medallion as seen in photo.

Allow to dry and you are done! :)

Thank you for viewing and I hope you enjoyed!

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