Introduction: DIY Smartphone-Controlled Tiny Car With Live Camera Feed

About: Hi, i like to make stuff on electronics

Hey guys! After going through your awesome suggestions on my previous post, Tushar's idea caught my eye: "Can we make a tiny car with a camera that we can control from our phone and see the live feed?" Well, challenge accepted! In this step-by-step guide, I'll show you how to create your very own smartphone-controlled miniature car with a live camera feed.


  1. Xiao ESP32S3 board from Seeed Studio: Aliexpress/Amazon
  2. Motor driver: Aliexpress/Amazon
  3. LiPo battery: Aliexpress/Amazon
  4. 6mm gear motors: Aliexpress/Amazon
  5. 3D printer (Bambu Lab Carbon X1): Link

Step 1: Designing the Car Body

Using Tinkercad, design the chassis for your tiny car. This step is crucial for the project's aesthetics and functionality. Once designed, it's time to bring your creation into the physical realm through 3D printing. I'm using the Bambu Lab Carbon X1 3D printer for this task.

STL Files - Download

Step 2: Assembling the Parts

With the 3D printing complete, assemble the components to construct your tiny car. Ensure everything fits snugly, and make any necessary adjustments during assembly.

Step 3: Connections

Now, we have to make the connections by following this circuit diagram.

Step 4: Attaching Typers

Step 5: Uploading Code

Now that the project is almost complete, upload the necessary code to the microcontroller. Witness your creation in action as you connect it to your phone via the FPVCAR WiFi network. Access the live camera feed by typing a specific URL into your browser.

Download Codes - Link

Step 6: Project Completion and Troubleshooting

The WiFi-controlled tiny car with a live feed camera is ready to roll. However, I encountered a slight issue with the front motor veering to the left. This hiccup is expected with these fragile motors, but using N20 motors would improve performance at the cost of increasing the project's size.

Step 7: Conclusion

That wraps up our exciting journey in creating a DIY WiFi-controlled tiny car with a live feed camera. If you enjoyed this project, don't forget to give it a thumbs up. Share your thoughts or ideas in the comment box below, and stay tuned for more DIY adventures. Bye-bye!

Step 8: Working Video and Tutorial

Anything Goes Contest

Runner Up in the
Anything Goes Contest