Introduction: DIY Solar Water Distiller! - Simple Solar Water Distilling - Easy DIY (for Survival/SHTF)

About: hi there. on this instructable channel i'll be covering all types of DIY solar power projects (as well as off-grid/survival/green living projects) that are easy to make out of readily available products and ma…

in this instructable i show how to make a simple solar water distiller just using bottles.

Step 1: Watch the Instructional Video...

Step 2: Read the Description...

DIY Solar Water Distilling! Simple Solar Water Distiller! Easy DIY. Great for survival/SHTF situations. made using 2 clear (plastic or glass) bottles and glue (or tape). fill one bottle with dirty/or saltwater. then connect the second bottle and set in the sun. within a few minutes the water begins to evaporate and the other bottle collects the clean distilled water vapor. tips: make sure the bottles have an airtight connection. prop up bottles at a slight angle so as the dirty/or saltwater starts to evaporate - the max. amount of water vapor will travel up to the higher collection container. works best in bright sun.

Step 3: First: Gather the Items...

1.) 2 clear plastic or glass bottles

2.) glue (or tape)

Step 4: Drill a Hole in Each Cap...

start by drilling a hole in each cap. i used a 1" hole saw to drill the lids

Step 5: Then Glue the Lids Together

i used super glue (but you can use tape)

Step 6: Now Add the Dirty or Saltwater

finally, add the dirty or salty water you want to clean, screw the lids on, and prop it up at an angle in the sun

Step 7: Here Are Some Close Ups...

after a few minutes, water droplets will form in the collection container. that's clean fresh distilled water!

Step 8: Have Fun Building and Using It!