Introduction: DIY Strawberry Pot & Plant Gift Idea

About: I'm a 5 year old girl who loves to DIY! My idol is Alton Brown and I want to be just like him! I started my own channel to share my crafts and treats with everyone so I hope you guys like it! I've been really…

Are you looking for a great DIY gift for someone? Maybe for Mother’s Day or for your Grandmother, Aunties, or your teachers? Make this awesome DIY Strawberry Pot and put a strawberry plant inside so they can have yummy strawberries at home! This is a really fun handmade gift idea that everyone will love!

Watch the video above to learn how to make it!

Click this link for the YouTube page:

Or keep on reading for the step-by-step tutorial!

Step 1: Materials

You will need:

  • pot
  • paint
  • paintbrushes
  • potting mix
  • strawberry plant
  • Mod Podge

Step 2: Green and Red

First we have to paint the pot. You can turn the pot upside down over one of your paint bottles to make it easier to paint. Paint the top with green paint. Be sure to paint the top edge and a little bit of the inside. Then paint the bottom part of the pot red, just like a strawberry!

Step 3: Lots of Seeds

Let the pot dry for a few minutes. To paint the seeds, make little oval shapes on the pot with black paint. Once it’s a little bit dry, add little white dots inside the black ovals to make the seeds pop!

Step 4: Protect and Shine

Let your pot fully dry. Then cover the pot with Mod Podge to protect it. Let it fully dry again.

Step 5: Plant and Grow

Once it’s dry, you can put your strawberry plant in. Add extra potting mix to the top of the pot if there isn’t enough soil.

Step 6: Time to Gift!

That’s it! Make a cute strawberry gift tag and gift it to someone you love! Don't forget to water it every day and keep it in a sunny place to keep it healthy and make it grow big and strong!

Scroll back up to the top to watch the video tutorial or click this link:

Please subscribe to me on YouTube (DIYwithOllie) for the latest crafts!

You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DIYwithOllie.

Gardening Contest 2017

Participated in the
Gardening Contest 2017