Introduction: DM Screen

I'm starting to run d&d
campaigns and I wanted to make a screen to hide my rolls and hold my notes. I kept it simple with just three panels about the size of an A4 paper sheet (a central wider panel and two smaller ones on the sides).


I used:

2 mm hardboard (two panels 29x23 cm, one 29x25 cm)

4 small hinges (4x1,5 cm)

All purpose cement

Woodstain (optional, finish look)

Chalkboard paint (optional, finish look)



Dremel 4000

Step 1: Panels

For the panels I chose some hardboard pieces that I had laying around. They were all scratched from being used as cutting boards. I scratched them more with sandpaper to give them an aged look, and I tainted darker with red oak wood stain, with paper towels instead of pencil.

Step 2: Putting All Together

To put all together I carved a space for the hinges in the inside part of the hardboard (one side deeper than the other one, so it can fold over itself), and I glue them with all purpose cement.

Step 3: Front Design

In the frontal

part of the panels I wanted to carve related designs. I chose an icosahedron for one of the side panels and a triquetra for the other one. In the central panel I wanted the D&D logo, which was challenging for my skill level with the dremel. I drew it on paper and taped it over the panel, and then followed the trace with the dremel. All things consider I’m happy with the result.

Step 4: Inside

I painted the inside of the panel with chalkboard paint, not planning on writing on it, I just like the finished look of this paint. The notes are held with paperclips so I can change it in different games.

Step 5: Finished Product

I end up with this screen, I found the size comfortable to hold everything I need, and it gives me an area big enough to use behind the screen. Also, my cat approves.

Role Playing Game Challenge

Participated in the
Role Playing Game Challenge