Introduction: Delicious Cheese Capsicum Sandwich

Hey guys,

I am writing this instructable to share a very delicious as well as easy recipe of sandwich which the kids can also prepare by themselves. This recipe doesn't take away much of your time and also suffice your hunger.

If you try out this recipe, then do share your experience and also like this instructable and follow me for more delicious recipes.


Bread - 4 slices
Cheese - 150 gm
Capsicum - half (chopped)
Chilli flakes - 1 tsp
Oregano- 1 tsp
(*The ingredients are mentioned for making 2 sandwiches)

Step 1: Preparation of Stuffing

Take one bowl and grate the cheese in it.
Now add chopped Capsicum, Oregano, Salt and chilli flakes into it and mix it well.

Step 2: Assembling of Sandwich

Apply butter on a bread and then apply the filling over it.
Now take another bread and place it above the filling.
Also apply butter on top of that other bread.
Now our sandwiches are ready for toasting.
Toast the sandwiches and then enjoy them with Ketchup.
After School Challenge

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After School Challenge