Introduction: Delicious Chocolate Bark Recipe

About: 90% of all teens would cry if Myspace or Facebook were destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would sit and laugh, put this in your profile. *its funny cause i have a facebook, but this is still true about…
Today i will be showing you haw to make chocolate bark. My sister uses this recipe frequently for a variety of different occasions such as holidays or just an easy and delicious snack. This recipe only takes about 20 minutes to make, but needs to be cooled off in a refrigerator for at least two hours before it should be served (i think it is best after being refrigerated over night). Well lets get started with the ingredients in the next step! 

Step 1: Ingredients and Kitchenware

-1/2 pound (two sticks) butter
-1/4 cup brown sugar
-1/4 cup granulated white sugar 
-1/2 box (about) graham crackers
-2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
-various optional toppings (could include crushed up candy canes, mini marshmallows, chopped nuts etc.)

Notes: if the toppings are hard, they should be crushed up so that they will not be to tough on the teeth and not cause an instant cavity, ok maybe not that bad but should still be advised!

-10" x 15" cookie sheet
-aluminum foil
- 1/4 measuring cup
-2 spatulas, unless you want to wipe off and reuse one
-large spoon for stirring
-meat tenderizer for crushing toppings
-medium sauce pan

Step 2: Preheat and Layer Graham Crackers

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Take your cookie sheet and line it with aluminum foil. Make sure all the sides have a little bit of excess so that none of the butter mixture will leak out later. Then take your graham crackers and arrange them on the bottom of the pan, breaking up the last few in order to fit.

Step 3: Make Butter Mixture

Melt the butter in your medium sauce pan over medium heat. Once the butter has all melted add your 1/4 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup white sugar. Stir the mixture together and bring it to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat and let the mixture bubble for 4 minutes, then remove from heat. Proceed to next step

Step 4: Pour and Bake

Pour the butter/sugar mixture over the graham crackers on the cookie sheet and spread evenly. Bake in the oven for 8 minutes. 

Step 5: Add Chocolate and Topping(s)

Remove from the oven after baking and let rest until the bubbling disappears. Sprinkle the 2 cups of chocolate chips evenly on top. Wait for 2 minutes for the chocolate to melt, then take a spatula and spread the chocolate into an even layer. Now you can add any toppings you desire and press them lightly into the chocolate so the stay on. 

Step 6: Refrigerate and Break

Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for 2 hours. Peel the foil from the chilled bark and break into pieces however large you like, 2-inch irregular pieces is a good size. Your bark is now ready to be devoured, refrigerate any leftovers if there are any! Notes:​ Personally i think the bark is best after it has been refrigerated over night, but this is not required.
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