Introduction: Design and Print a Straw Mason Jar Insert

About: MakerQueen is a mother, a wife, a maker, a martial artist, a software engineer, a biochemist, a cat and dog lover, a cosplayer, a gamer, a nerd, a yogi, and a bit of an eccentric mad scientist. She loves to t…

Mason jars are everywhere. I have seen many Mason jar travel mugs in expensive coffee shops. I decided to use my 3D printer to make my own! I published another Instructable outlining how to easily remove mason jar labels.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

For this project you will need:

  • Tinkercad - you can get an account for FREE
  • A mason jar
  • A mason jar ring
  • A straw
  • Access to a 3D printer - Many makerspaces have their printers available for use, as do public libraries in Toronto, Tinkercad has the option to Order a 3D Print in the Export screen (pictured above).

Step 2: Design Your Insert

Notice that I have added a ridge that sits into the mouth of the jar.

Step 3: Open Tinkercad and Add Your First Shape

  • Choose a name for your file and replace the fabulous Tinkercad generated name in the top left hand corner with your name.
  • Add a cylinder.
  • Select the bottom right white rectangle and change your dimensions from 20x20 to 68x68

  • Select the white rectangle in the centre representing the height and change it from 20 to 2.5.

Step 4: Add Your Second Shape

  • Click on the 'Workplane' icon (circled in red).
  • Click on the top of your first cylinder (circled in red).
  • The orange workplane will be added on top of your first shape.
  • Place your second cylinder on the workplane.
  • Select the bottom right white rectangle and change your dimensions from 20x20 to 56x56
  • Select the white rectangle in the centre representing the height and change it from 20 to 2.5.
  • Select both shapes and align the shapes horizontally and vertically.

Step 5: Make the Hole for the Straw

  • Add a cylinder shaped hole.
  • Select the bottom right white square and change the dimensions to 9x9mm.
  • Select all shapes and align the shapes horizontally and vertically.
  • With all shapes still selected, press group.

Step 6: Print or Order Your Design Printed

My print is pictured above. There are many amazing Instructables teaching you how to 3D print so I won't get into that here.

Step 7: Fill Your Mason Jar With Your Preferred Liquid and Go!

Enjoy your funky, trendy new travel mug!

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017