Introduction: Dirty Cheap Intervalometer for Canon.

This is what happens when you ave too much time on your hands, and the ideas come flowing ;)
I always wanted to do elapsed time video, so instead of hacking the camera firmware, why not create a intervalometer with what I have at hand?
To do so i needed:
1 BC550 Transistor
1 1k Resistor
1,6mm jack with cable hacked of a LANC remote
And  last bu not least an Arduíno Board ( used a mega 'cause it was the one i had at hand)

!Please note! If you don't want to take risks with your precious machine please do not try this at home.

Step 1: Make or Check the Cable

If you like me like and have the luck to have a cable already made, you just have to check which pins of the jack connect to which wire. To do so simply use a multimeter to test the continuity. The pins you want to check are the tip and the bottom one (errr this if you point the jack up...).
If you have to make the cable simply solder these two and forget the other one.

Step 2: Solder the Components Together

Solder the mass wire  of the jack and a mass wire ofthe arduino to the emitter of the transistor, the other wire of the jackto the collector and the 1K resistor the to base. And thats it! This is all the soldering you have to do!

Step 3: Ardu�no Scketch

This is just a simple Arduíno sketch that shoots one photo at every 10 seconds. The value of delay between the digital Write HIGH and the digital write LOW was totally empirical, and obtained by trial and error.

Step 4: Join Every Thing Together

Connect the resistor to the digital pin you set up on the your arduino sketch, connect the mass wire to the GND pin of the arduino, connect the jack to to camera, power up the arduino, and you're ready!