Introduction: Display Cabinet (curio)

my daughter needed a cabinet for her breyer horses so I needed to get to work..

Step 1: Building the Box

I started by building the box 36'' x 70'' x 16'' from some junk 3/4'' plywood.. it gets painted later

Step 2: Painting and Frames

I taped the sides up so the glue had something to hold to.. and i had different plans is the reason i painted the carcass first but plans changed and i painted everything.. i used pocket holes for the frames.. then glued and nailed them to the cabinet carcass ..

Step 3: Trim for the Frames

here I just trimmed the frames with some 1/4 round moulding and painted them because i didn't have enough cherry trim for the whole cabinet..

Step 4: Time for Doors

the first picture shows some of that cherry i got from a house that we torn down on my property it was floor boards in the attic.. i can't remember the measurements on the doors (sorry).. in the last pic you see the doors frames glued up .. and you see the throat plate off the table saw because the arbor pin broke and i had to fix it before i could keep working.. as if the cabinet didn't give me enough problems now tools.. lol

Step 5: Hanging the Doors

after the glue dried i used a 35mm forster bit to drill the hinge pockets.. then it was time to cut a profile on the outside of the doors.. then put some wipe on poly to bring the color out..

Step 6: Upper Cabinet Trim

got my arbor pin fixed.. but i gouged my seal on the front bearing some how.. so it got new arbor bearings too.. awesome.. for the trim i just used a cove bit in the router to make the moulding.. in the third pic you can see that i glued and screwed the trim down.. the forth pic shows the screw driver holding the trim flush with the other piece while i mount it down.. the sixth pic shows you that i need to adjust my miter saw again..ha

Step 7: Lower Trim

the first pic is where i somehow miss read my tape measure and needed to add a 1'' filler strip for the door to stop on.. second picture is a piece of 5mm ply i used to hold the moulding in place while i glued and screwed it from the back of the bottom of the cabinet.. and i forgot to show how i mounted the legs but it is just a 1/2'' ply with a t nut to hold the leg on but you can buy the plates to mount legs if your not as cheap as me..

Step 8: Shelf Pinning

drilling shelf pins 5mm and ...... as i write this i just remembered that i didn't take pics of the shelves i made.. but i made them from 1/2'' ply with cherry strips for trim on the front and rear of the shelf to make them stronger..

Step 9: Plexiglass for Doors

I cut the plexiglass on the table saw.. but you need to be very careful and hold it close by the blade so it does lift while you cut it and use a full face shield so the pieces flying off don't melt to your neck.. ha

i had a lot of bad luck building this .. but my daughter loves it .. she puts her breyer horses in it.. so it was worth it..

Wood Contest 2016

Participated in the
Wood Contest 2016