Introduction: Diy Balance Scale and Graduated Cylinder

Hi my name is Elijah. In science class we were required to make a balance scale. To make it I tied string around a hangar and taped it to 2 plastic cups. For the graduated cylinder, I got a container and taped a piece of paper to its side. I then got a 10 ml measuring cup and for every 100 millilitres I put a mark on the piece of paper. With this project I will measure the density's and weights of various objects.

Step 1: Supplies Needed

Balance scale

  1. 2 plastic cups
  2. hangar
  3. string
  4. tape

Graduated cylinder

  1. Cylinder shaped container
  2. paper
  3. measuring cup (I used 10 millilitres can vary to your desired amount)
  4. tape
  5. scissors (optional)

Step 2: Step 1

What you will want to do for the balance scale is tie two pieces of string around the hooks of the hangar, (make sure they are even). If you have trouble tying them, you can use a little tape like I did.

Step 3: Step Three

For step 3, what you will want to do is get the end of each of the strings and tape it to the inside of the cup. You should make sure the ends are at the same part of the cup or else they will be uneven.

Step 4: Finished!

Congrats fellow being, you have successfully made a balance scale. Keep in mind its not the most accurate thing in the world but it will do, it also has a weight limit. Next step will be the scale in action.

Step 5: In Action!

As you can see in these pictures, the scale is being put to use. The two in the middle are me testing a ornament and stapler, as you can see the stapler is weighing more than the ornament. As you see with the 2 outer pictures the big battery is weighing more than the pin. Next up we will build a graduated cylinder, you got this!

Step 6: Step 1 for Graduated Cylineder

A reminder for the materials needed

A container


measuring cup



Step 7: Step 1

For step 1 you will simply want to tape a piece of paper to the side of the container.

Step 8: Step 2

For step 2 what you will want to do is, using your measuring cup fill it up to your desired amount and pour it in you container

Step 9: Step 4

For this step its pretty much a repeat of the last step I just showed you. Get the amount of water you want in your measuring cup pour it into your cylinder. Since mine is going 100-200 I add up 10 ml's 10 times. This is completely optional and the amount can be different

Step 10: Step 5

Since I don't want to waste too much time, I will just jump to the end of making this because the process is very repetitive and if you still don't understand here's what to do after you paper is taped make sure to add as much water as you want to you measuring cup and pour it into your container. Once you get to the amount you would like mark the paper at the waterline. You can repeat to get your desired amount.

Step 11: In Action

This is the graduated cylinder in action, As you can see I am comparing to pin to the battery. I marked to waterline at each and you can see the battery takes up more volume

Step 12: Comparing Density

Density is the mass divided by the volume of an object. I can use these tools compare density because they allow me to figure out which one has more volume and mass, (not in exact number). I can figure out if the battery is more dense than the pin because the battery is more heavy and takes up more volume so I know its denser because density is the amount of matter in a given space I know since they are around the same size the battery is denser.

Step 13: Conclusion

Congrats, Thank you so much for checking out this build. You Just learned how to make a balance scale and a graduated cylinder at home. I can use this for measuring mass density and volume. There are improvements that can be made such as the strength of the string because this scale can fall easily. Something you should know is that these aren't the most accurate tools in the world.

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