Introduction: Dosa - Addictive Card Game

Dive into a card game with luck, tension, and cash on the line!


For my instructable, I've gathered up the following things:

1.  2 packs of 52 cards

2.  Coins

3.  Good people (no participant limit)

Step 1: Beginning the Game

Start by choosing the dealer—who holds the fate of the game, swinging between big wins and potential losses.

Step 2: Shuffle the Cards

The dealer must shuffle the deck of cards

Step 3: Starting the Game

The dealer divides the deck into packs matching the number of participants plus one for the dealer. Forget about pack size; what's underneath holds the key—details to follow.

Step 4: Your Investment

Select a card pack, place your bet, and await the reveal. Your winnings or losses mirror the money you dared to stake.

Step 5: Crucial Reveal

The empty pack designates the dealer, visible to all participants. The dealer follows these rules:

1. The dealer asks each participant to turn over his pack.

2. If the dealer's card is lower, he pays the participant the amount bet; otherwise, the money goes to the dealer.

Special Numbers:

- Participant's 10: Double win (dealer pays double).

- Participant's Ace: Triple win.

- Participant's Joker: Quadruple win (with an option to be the next dealer).

If the dealer gets a special card:

- Dealer's 10: Participant pays double the bet.

- Dealer's Ace: Participant pays triple the bet.

- Dealer's Joker: Participant pays quadruple the bet.

Step 6: Thats All!

have fun!