Introduction: Drum Pedal Straps

About: The name's Alex. I'm currently majoring in Graphic Design at Cal Poly Pomona. When I'm not busy with schoolwork I like to practice hockey, watch some movies, modify my Nerf blasters, play with my Yamaha DTXpre…

While playing my DTXpress I found myself having to move my bass pedals back into place every 5 or 10 minutes. They would slowly scoot away from me and their optimal position even with their built in carpet hooks and Velcro. I decided I needed a simple and cheap solution to keep my drumming more enjoyable, and to make live shows more practical.

Step 1: Parts and Measurements

I happened to have the necessary supplies already, but they're easily less than 10 dollars at Joann Fabrics or any craft store.

-Nylon Strapping (sufficient amount for your own needs)
-Parachute Buckle (one or two depending on your setup)
-Bass Pedals
-Drum Seat

It's important to have a general set up of your kit/set before you start this, so you can measure your preferred distance between your pedals and seat.

Step 2: Cutting the Straps

Once you have that measurement, get out the nylon strapping and cut two pieces that are around a foot longer than the distance you originally measured. This is so things can stay adjustable, and then you can always change the distance your pedal(s) are at.

It's also a good idea to singe the ends of the nylon strapping so they don't fray.

Step 3: Pedal 1

Starting with one pedal, remove the metal plate at the heel end, being careful not to strip any screws. I did that on the second pedal and I had to go through the fun task of drilling it out, and finding a suitable replacement.

Once the metal plate is off, find a good place for the nylon strap to go where it isn't obstructing any screw paths. It is literally just held on my the pressure form the plate and screws.

Be sure to give the strap a good tug. If it passes the test, move on to the next pedal.

Step 4: Pedal 2

The same idea for pedal one applies to pedal two. Remove the metal plate and place the nylon strap somewhere under it where it isn't in the way of any screws. Reattach the plate with the nylon strap underneath and you should have both pedals done.

Step 5: Buckles!

The buckle package should have directions on how to feed the nylon strap through the buckle pieces. If not, there is probably a backpack or other strap around that you can reference to do it correctly.

Feed the nylon strap through a buckle side on each of the pedals.

Step 6: Attach to Drum Seat

Using the remaining nylon strapping wrap it around a place on your drum seat you want to be the anchor point. I used staples to hold it around the pole (so it wouldn't slide back and fourth) which obviously isn't a very permanent solution, but they're still holding.

Next, feed the other ends of the buckles through the two ends of strap on the drum seat.

Step 7: Finished Product

This project took me about an hour (that was with taking pictures and having to drill out one of the bolts I stripped), so it should reasonably take about a half hour.

I'm thinking that this is a problem that mainly Electronic Drummers experience, especially with the type of drum thrones I have behind the pedals, they aren't the most heavy. Either way, I found this to be an incredibly useful, and quick solution to a very annoying problem.

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