Introduction: Dulce De Leche Baked Mini Cheesecakes

About: I'm a stay at home mum of 3 young kids and I love baking, decorating cookies, making cake pops and pretty much making any type of fun food that my kids will enjoy. I have a blog Bubble and Sweet where I share…
Delicious caramel cheesecakes which are easy to make with just  4 ingredients.

You will need 2 tins of dulce de leche to achieve cheesecakes that look like the picture, one for the cheesecake recipe and one to spoon over the top. If you prefer you can omit the second tin. You will not use all the second tin so you could either freeze the remainder it to use another time or heat it up and spoon it over icecream, cake, or pretty much anything :) 


14 Oreo cookies
625g (21oz) cream cheese at room temperature
2 tins sweetened condensed milk made into dulce de leche (see next step)each tin approximately 14oz (or 395g)
3 eggs at room temperature

Muffin or large cupcake baking tin
Large muffin paper cases
Large saucepan

Step 1: Make the Dulce De Leche

Take the 2 tins of condensed milk and pierce 2 holes in the top of each tin. (this step is to reduce the risk of the tins exploding during the cooking process)

Place tins of condensed milk into a large deep saucepan with water surrounding them. The water should come up to he top of the condensed milk tins but not lap over the rim (otherwise you will get water into the holes). Bring the water to simmer and cook the tins for 4 hours. Keep adding water to the saucepan so the water remains level with the tops of the tins (you know just ever now and then don't get too uptight about it).

After 4 hours turn off the heat, allow to cool and then remove the tins from the saucepan. Take off the top of the tin and scoop out all the caramel/ dulce de leche.

This dulce de leche should keep for 1 week in a clean air tight container in the fridge until required.

Step 2: Make the Cheesecake

Preheat oven to 280 F (140C).

Line the muffin baking tins with the muffin/cupcake papers, you will need 14 for this recipe. Place one single oreo in the bottom of each paper.

Place the 625g (21oz) cream cheese into a large bowl and beat the cream cheese using a mixer at medium speed until just smooth.

Add one tin of the dulce de leche and mix until well combined. Reduce speed to low and add the 3 eggs one at a time, beating after each addition until just combined.

Spoon the mixture into the large muffin papers dividing mixture evenly between the papers.

Bake until the mixture is just setting in the center, around 16- 20 mins for the larger size muffin cupcake, check after 14mins if you are making smaller sized cakes.

The cheesecakes will be cooked when the middle of the top of the cheesecake is no longer wet and looks just set.

Allow to cool in the trays for 10-15min and then pop in an airtight container in the fridge until chilled.

Step 3: Serving the Cheesecakes

Serve the cheeseakes topped with extra dulce de leche and optional soft caramels cut into pieces.

To make the dulce de leche more fluid for serving heat it up on short bursts at high in the microwave in a microwave safe bowl and mix with a spoon until smooth.

Cheesecakes will keep in airtight container up to 3 days in fridge.