Introduction: EARTH DAY! How to Create a Orange Juice Maker in CAD - Using ANY Recycled Plastic Bottle

About: I am Sammy, passionate in 3D Modeling.

Thanks to the rise of 3D printing technology, an opportunity has emerged for the first time in the history. We can make the Earth a better place for everyone.

In this instructable, we want to show one way, how by creating something new at home, we can actually help save energy, material (such as trees to make cardboard for packaging) and create a professionally made object which is just as good if not better than what you would buy from a store. All of this by designing it yourself in SelfCAD and printing it using a 3D Printer.

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Follow this step by step article to learn how we designed the above ready to print Orange Juice Maker in SelfCAD. You can also watch the above full video instead.

Step 1: Creating the Basic Shape

  • Select the Shape Generator toolfrom the Create section.
  • Set the top and bottom radius to 90 and 60 respectively, Number of edges and height to 35 and 55 respectively then click + sign to add another section on top of it.
  • After doing this, set the top and bottom radius to 7 and 50 respectively. Set the height and number of edges to 8 and 85 respectively. Set the position offset to -16 and offset smoothness to 1 then add another segment.

Step 2: Creating Holes Around the Orange Maker

  • Select the Sphere from the basic shapes section and set the Radius, Horizontal and Vertical segment to 30 and 32 respectively.
  • Position it accordingly to where you want to create holes in the shape.
  • Select the Copy Offset tool from the Edit section and use to create multiple copies of the sphere around the model.
  • You can do this by setting the value of Y in the Pivot section to 25 and set the number of copies to 7 then click Copy. Through this, you will be able to create multiple copies around the shape as shown in the third image above.
  • Select Stitch and Scoop tool from the Tools section and select Union then apply.
  • To create the holes, we need to extract the spheres from the shape, and you can do this by selecting Stitch and Scoop tool then select Difference option. After doing this, in the Select objects to subtract section, select all the 7 spheres then Apply and you will be able to create holes as shown in the 4th image above.

Step 3: Creating a Hole in the Bottom Section

  • We are going to use the Cylinder to create the hole in the bottom section.
  • So, select Cylinder from the basic shapes. Set the Top and Bottom radius to 40 and 30 respectively and set the Height to 40.49 then Finalize the shape.
  • Select the Stitch and Scoop tool from the Tools section and select Difference then extract the cylinder and you will have created the hole in the bottom section.

Step 4: Creating an Element for Screw in the Bottom Section

  • To create the element for Screw in the Bottom section, we are going to use the Nut Generator tool.
  • So select the Nut Generator tool from the Create Section and set the Radius and Pitch to 25 and 2 respectively and set the number of segments to 36 too.
  • Select the Move Tool from the Transformations section and move the nut generator inside the shape.
  • For 3D printing, we need to make a Solid object, and to do this, we shall be using the Union Option of the Stitch and Scoop tool.

Step 5: Further Modification of the Model

  • Upto this point, our model is now ready for 3D printing, however, we need to do some few adjustments in the model in order to make it perfect and in our case we are going to change the color and apply the material too.
  • So to change the color of the model select Color from the Scene section and apply your desired color.
  • Select Material from the Scene section and select the material that best suits your needs, for our case we are going to use Plastic.
  • So we have successfully designed our Orange Juice maker and to print it you will select 3D Print from the File section.