
In this project we discuss about power generation by waste or distilled water. This is a basic concept of hydro power generation in this system we make a mechanical structure that’s move from through water flow density and we couple a generator behind this mechanical structure to rotate a generator and give output voltage. Electricity generated by generator we store this energy in the battery and use operating for our home appliance

Construction of Induction Motor

Step 1: ELECTRICTY GENERATION BY WASTE AND DISTILLED WATER in This Project We Discuss About Power Generation by Waste or Distilled Water

In this project we discuss about power generation by waste or distilled water. This is a basic concept of hydro power generation in this system we make a mechanical structure that’s move from through water flow density and we couple a generator behind this mechanical structure to rotate a generator and give output voltage. Electricity generate by generator we store this energy in battery and use operating for our home appliance.



Battery 12v

Regulator 7805

Capacitor 1000uf , 100uf ,104pf

Resistor 1k , 470R , 100R

LCD 16X2

Microcontroller PIC16f676

Dc Volt Meter

Power supply

Divider Circuit


DC Load ( Fan , Led Light)

AC Load (Bulb)


FET 75NF75

Step up Transformer (12v to 220Ac)

Vero Board

Power Supply:

In the Power supply Circuit we use a Regulator 7805 to convert a 12v DC into 5v DC. Because we give supply input from 12 v battery and our PIC Microcontroller operate on 5v Dc so that we use a Regulator 7805 to convert the battery voltage 12v DC into 5v DC. In this circuit we use a capacitor 1000uf and 100uf in input and output side for filtration and also use led for output of Regulator and indication of this power supply circuit in working. Below the figure we see all the components of power supply circuit and pin out connections of Regulator 7805.

Step 2: How to Generate Electricity From Waste Working Model


In this Project we discuss how to generate electricity from the waste working model in this project we make a mechanical structure through Iron or metal blades, spoon or cup to move from water flow density. We couple a generator behind this mechanical structure move according to water flow density. Generator gives output DC Voltage we save the generator output voltage in the battery. and use operating for our home appliance. We also use an inverter to convert of battery 12 volt DC voltage into 220 volts AC.

Nowadays this is a huge resource of water to produce electricity. This procedure to use a large scale near a Dam, sea or river because there is a maximum speed of water to rotate a turbine and give a maximum output voltage.

electrical engineering projects