Introduction: ESPHA - IOT PROJECT

About: Currently in 2nd yr. of my B.Tech degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from MNIT, Jaipur, India. A few programming languages at which I'm intermediate are C, PYTHON. I've worked on Internet o…

In this project name, "ESPHA" using an Arduino, esp8266 and a website(created by me) few electronic sensors data and gadgets are being controlled and manipulated. Here I have shown "RGB LED" under which you control LED state(1 for ON and 0 for OFF) and its color remotely.A small security system (Burglar Alarm) was developed to let the user know whether some person tried to access his room in his absence.You can set alarm state(ON/OFF) and time in hrs. & minutes for which the alarm should remain active.In case any intruder breaks in, you will get SMS regarding this quickly.Further, a weather station was developed into which data is being sent from sensors like DHT11,LM35(not shown in the circuit designed) and API(openweathermap) to show current weather conditions of my college MNIT JAIPUR.Espha's main website( was used for providing a comfortable user-interface.It allows users to access Internet-connected things, Burglar Alarm, and know about current place weather.Web site supports login & register options (User can also log in via Facebook and G-Mail).

Step 1: Materials Required

1) Arduino Uno R3

2) Arduino Power Adapter

3) ESP8266


5) Breadboard Power Supply(to power esp8266)

4) Breadboard & some jumper wires, Resistors(330 ohms)

6) HC-SR04

7) DHT22, LM35

Step 2: Connection

1) Connect the ESP Module.Connect TX-RX to the Arduino pin numbers that you've defined in the code In my case they were 2,3.In order to power Esp8266, I have used breadboard power supply(3.3 V). The main reason was that my Arduino wasn't able to provide required current supply.Make sure to common the ground of Arduino and esp8266 with that of breadboard power supply.

2)Connect the Ultrasonic sensor and RGB LED.Here only one LED is shown.In RGB led, we have 4 terminals to control Red, Green and Blue components and a ground as shown in the figure.Do remember to connect a resistor(330 ohms)in series to each anode terminal.Here in diagram connection might be different as defined in code by me or you.Then connect DHT22 and LM35 carefully.

3)You can attach more components or sensor as per your requirement of the project.

Step 3: Code Time

There are two parts in the code.

1.Arduino : Code to get sensor data and sending it over to web.

Also receive any instruction from website and process it.

2.Website Code : Used to control the modules and sensors.Display sensor data.

Website would Look like this :

3.API's like Thingspeak(Thinghttp), Nexmo(SMS API) were also used.

The link for the code is as follows:



Comments are there beside every line of code to make it understandable.

Step 4: ​Demonstration

The video demonstrates the project completely.Thank you for the votes.

For more details, you are free to contact me anytime,

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