Introduction: Easy Cheese Wedge!

In this Instructable, we will be creating a 3D model of a cheese wedge. It will end up looking like cheese from a cartoon!

Let's get to it!


  • TinkerCAD
  • 10-15 minutes

Step 1: Move the Roof Into Position

  1. In the "basic shapes" menu, drag out a roof figure onto the workplane.
  2. Rotate the roof forward 90° (see pictures above)
  3. Set the rotated roof flat to the workplane
  4. Scale it so that it has the following dimensions:
    1. 105x65x45 (units = mm)
  5. Change the color from green to yellow (or white?)

Step 2: Put Holes in the Cheese Wedge

Now you can get real creative! Make as many (or as few) holes as you'd like!

Use a standard size sphere (20mm) and randomly place it on the cheese block. Try playing with the height from the workplane... keep copying, pasting, and readjusting until you're satisfied.

I used a total of 8 spheres in my example design. Feel free to use more or less.

Cheese Speed Challenge

Participated in the
Cheese Speed Challenge