Introduction: Easy Drawstring Bag

This is a drawstring bag that can be made from just a scrap of leather and a few tools.


All you need is a large scrap of leather, preferably rectangular, a pair of scissors, a 3 mm leather hole puncher, a clear ruler, and a fabric marker or sharpie.

Step 1: Drawing the Outline

Using the ruler and the sharpie, draw a 2" line at the top of the scrap, away from the edge. Then, draw a 5" line perpendicular to the 2" line. Then at the other end of the 5" line, draw a second 2" line parallel to the first. Connect them with another 5" line.

Step 2: Cutting the Outline

Cut with the lines on the outside so they aren't on the small rectangle. Round the corners a bit. Once you've finished cutting it, fold it in half. Save the scrap for later.

Step 3: Making the Holes

With the fold down, draw 5 dots about half a centimeter apart. Then, with the leather hole puncher, punch the folded leather piece on BOTH layers. Next, Draw three more holes on the top of the rectangle. Punch these out with only ONE layer. Repeat on the other side.

Step 4: Making the String

Using the old scrap from step 2, cut a 10" straight strip about half a centimeter thick. Tie a knot at the thicker end, Then repeat with a second string.

Step 5: Stringing the Bag

Thread the rope through both layers at the hole closest to the fold. Use a whipstitch to stitch the five holes on that side. After the 5th hole, do a 6th whipstitch through only one layer. Then do a running stitch through the three holes on the top. Repeat on the other side.

Step 6: Finishing Up

Cut off the excess string on both sides, leaving about an inch of space. Tie an overhand knot on each end. To close pull on both strings at the same time.

Leather Challenge

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Leather Challenge