Introduction: Easy Fish Corral
This trap is to be deployed in a small river or stream, and is a pretty easy way to catch a fair ammount of fish and keep them alive until you need them.
Step 1: Make the Fence
To make the fence, you must start with branches, sharpened on one end, and plenty of reeds and/or green branches. Then, weave the reeds between the sticks. I've found that it is easier to do if you stick the sharp ends of the sticks into the ground (but not very deep) and weave while they're standing. Make it as long as needed, but I prefer to make several short fences because they're easier to carry to the river.
Step 2: Deploy for a Narrow Stream
This picture is pretty self-explanatory, so just post comments if you have questions.
Step 3: Deploy for a Wide Stream at a Narrow Spot
This is for a wide stream or river where you find a narrow spot. Again, just comment questions if you have any.