Introduction: Easy Lemon Tart

About: Just your average, everyday geek!
We inherited a potted lemon tree from some neighbors who were moving and quickly had many lemons we didn't know what to do with! I found this recipe and tweaked it a bit and thought I'd share! You can use Meyer lemons or really any lemon and get a delicious, easy to make treat! You can use a large tart shell, or, like I did, a few small ones.


1 large lemon cut into 8 pieces, de-seeded if you prefer. Reserve a thin slice to decorate the top.

1 1/2 cup superfine sugar

1 stick butter, cut into several pieces

2 tsp vanilla 

4 eggs

a tart shell

(You can use a bit less of the sugar and the vanilla if your lemons are less tart)

Step 1: Will It Blend? Yes!

Put all the ingredients, except tart shell, into a blender and blend! Yes, the lemons with rinds and even seeds if you don't feel like de-seeding.

Step 2: Pre-heat Oven

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees

Step 3: Pour

Pour the blended ingredients into the tart shell.

Step 4: Bake

Bake for 40 minutes at 350 degrees. Start watching around 30 min. Depending on your oven this may be enough time. Don't let the top burn.

Step 5: Top and Eat!

Take the reserved lemon slice and place it on top and serve!  

I put a raspberry sauce on top of mine which made a great compliment not only for the taste buds, but for the eyes as well.  I didn't take pictures but here's a bonus Instructable:

1 pint raspberries
1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice

Put all ingredients into a saucepan. Heat and crush the raspberries with a spoon until the mixture is soft and just begins to boil. Push through a strainer to smooth. Let cool. You can save it in the fridge for about a week.