Introduction: Easy Pizza Pita!

About: Computer Science student on his 3rd year!

Don't have a lot of time but want a nice snack/meal? The pizza pita is a very easy meal that can be made in under 20 minutes. When I was young, I used to love helping my mom make pizza pitas. It was one of the only meals I could help her make and I also thought they were delicious. Today in university, I still make them when I don't have much time, as they are delicious and can easily compete with other meals that take a lot longer to prepare!


Supplies needed (for 2 pizza pita):

1 pita

2 tablespoons of ketchup (replaceable by tomato sauce)

2 ounce mozzarella cheese

(optional) olives and red peppers

(optional) other toppings you want!

Step 1: Preheat Oven and Get Supplies

While arranging all needed ingredients, make sure to preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

Step 2: Prepare Pita

Cut your pita in half making 2 flat circles, which will serve as the "dough" of the pizza.

Step 3: Ketchup

On each pita half, spread a tablespoon of ketchup evenly across the surface.

Step 4: Cheese

Again, on each pita half sprinkle mozzarella until the pita is adequately covered.

Step 5: Toppings!

Decorate your pizza pita with whatever toppings you want. I recommend green olives and peppers, but feel free to add whatever you think will enhance the pizza!

Step 6: Bake

When the oven is preheated, put in your pizza pitas for around 10 minutes (or however long is needed until the cheese properly melts).

Step 7: Enjoy Your Meal!

A pizza pita is a delicious, easy-to-cook meal. Enjoy the fruits of your labors! I hope you like them as much as I do!