Introduction: Easy Hard Boiled Eggs.

About: Bytesize articles instead of a trilogy in one post.
Hard boiled eggs are fantastic fast food. No grease or frying pans to clean. You can serve hard boiled eggs a thousand ways. from salads (i.e pasta or potato), sandwiches, or just eating plain with a little salt and or pepper. Here is at least for us a fool proof way to make them without having to watch a clock.

See also:

Step 1: Prep Eggs.

Wash eggs under running water.
Put eggs in a pot just enough to fill the bottom.
Cover eggs with water.
Put the pan on the stove uncovered.
Turn on that burner to high heat so the eggs can boil.

Step 2: Boiling Eggs

Bring the eggs just to a boil (no more than a minute.
Watch carefully.

Step 3: Cool Down

Green eggs are usually the cause of overcooking.
Now that the eggs are boiling, TURN OFF THE HEAT now.
Take a very sharp knife and stab the eggs so that the shell is cracked.
One stab per egg should be enough.
Add ice cubes to the pot.
You may have to drain a little of the existing water, so the pot does not overflow.

Step 4: Chill Out Time.

If you do not have a heat proof surface in the refrigerater, place a heat proof plate where you can place the pot.
Plate the pot in the refrigerator on the heat proof surface.
Add more ice if you need to.
Cover the pot with the eggs, water, and ice..
Close the fridge and go do something else for a while. Time is no critical. (No more than 24 hours).

Note: sorry you missed a wonderful cheesecake as it is all gone.

Step 5: Eggactly.

Peel egg. This should be easy if you slit the eggs earlier correctly.
Slice, dice, or just eat plain. Egg salad coming up!

Step 6: Simple Egg Salad.

Simple egg salad.

2 eggs, hard-boiled and peeled.

2 tbsp mayonnaise (I use home made:

1 tsp yellow mustard

1/4 tsp sugar

a shake of salt

Chop eggs into small bits and place in a bowl. Combine with other ingredients, stirring gently with a spoon (don’t mush it up!). Add in crunchy, spicy, or savory bits at your whim. Refrigerate for a bit to let flavors combine, and then smooth it onto white bread and enjoy.

Step 7: Baked Egg Lasagna.

You could also make baked egg lasagna. See: