Introduction: Easy to Make Small Router Table

About: love woodworking
easy and cheap small router table for small projects

Step 1: What You'll Need

1. a saw any type will do, i used a circular saw for straight cuts
2. a drill/screwdriver
3. something to measure with
4. a router
5. some wood

Step 2: Measure and Cut

the measurement will depend on your router
I've cut my top plate a bit bigger for adishinal work area

Step 3: Holes for the Screws and Router Bit

take of the router plate and trace it on to the wood
drill holes for the router bit and screws dont forget to countersinc them

Step 4: Assembly!

just some glue, nails and you're good to go
Woodworking Contest 2017

Participated in the
Woodworking Contest 2017