Introduction: Edddison Tabletop Walk-through
edddison for tabletop gives you the possiblity to control your 3D Model with tangible objects on a floor plan.
To control your 3D software with tangible objects, you can use the edddison projection table or edddison tabletop in combination with tangible objects.
An edddison marker is a printed label (like a barcode) that is attached on a control object. The markers are then read by a camera.
Adding markers to any tangible object generates a control object that can be used in edddison. These real figures can be produced with a 3D printer, a laser cutter or by adding markers to existing figures (e.g. toys).
The set-up of edddison for tabletop is very easy and can be done with just a few hardware tool.
In this tutorial we will cover how to get everything running.
If you want to go pro fast have a look at our projection table instructable:
- More Info about edddison:
- More Info about the edddison hardware options:
- Webcam or professional camera
- A4 printer to print the object markers and floor plans
- Tangible objects 3D-printed, laser-cutted or any other object that is available, e.g. toys
- Presentation screen - e.g. a pc monitor, tv or projector
- PC running 3D software and edddison. See Getting Started.
Step 1: How Does It Work - Possible Set-Ups
How does it work?
edddison for tabletop is based on specially developed Object Markers (like Barcodes or QR-Codes) and camera-recognition of these markers.Through a simple camera the edddison software can see object markers and will recognise movements.This way, when you move or rotate your marker on the floor plan, the edddison software knows exactly where you want to go and translates your movements to the 3D software.
Possible Set-Ups - Decide yours
edddison for tabletop can be set up in various ways, depending on your needs and ressources. The most commonly used ways are with a:
- edddison tabletop-kit
- camera-stand
- ceiling-mountedcam
- wall-mounted cam
- notebook and webcam
It doesnt matter which option you opt for, the software setup remains the same.
Step 2: Setup - edddison Camera-kit
The edddison camera kit is a special hardware kit, developed to transport and setup the the edddison experience wherever you want and provide a wholesome and professional presentation to your clients.
For more information on the camera kit please contact us at sales(at)
Step 3: Setup - Camera-stand
If you have a camera stand (tripod) handy, this option will provide with the perfect solution. Just mount your webcam or industrial cam onto the tripod. Perfect for situations, where you have to take the edddison setup to a client or have to stash it away in between meetings.
Step 4: Setup - Ceiling-mounted Cam
For stationary installations we suggest using a ceiling-mounted high-res camera, which is installed over the floor plans and out of sight of the client. Like this you have no disturbing hardware on the table and can interact freely finding the best solutions with your client or team.
Step 5: Setup - Wall-mounted Cam
Perfect for presentations at fairs and stands, the Wall-mounted cam provides you with the same freedom as the ceiling-mounted cam, but needs a lot less work in installing it. Just hang your webcam on the wall and point it to the floor plans. The perfect hybrid between a camera-stand and a ceiling-mounted camera.
Step 6: Setup - Floorplan Book With Camera
Addditonally to all tabletop solutions you can make your presentation even more fluid and wholesome by showing your floor plans in a floorplan book. Dont hassle with exchaning floor plans and positioning them, just flip over the page and jump from floor to floor. The floorplan book can be printed with most photo online services in a matter of hours/days
For more information on how to make a photobook please refer to
Step 7: Setup - Floorplan on Keyboard (Notebook)
If you want to be even more flexible and dont want to carry large amounts of hardware with you, maybe the notebook-solution is for you! Print your floor plans on a cardboard and put them on top of your notebook keyboard! With an addditional webcam on top of the screen you are ready to go! Super compact!
For more information on how to make the floorplan-cardboard please refer this:
Step 8: Hardware Tips
A Camera
Every camera connected to a Windows computer running edddison works. Using a better camera will result in better tracking and the possibility to use smaller markers.
edddison works very good with IDS high-quality cameras. Webcams have lower image quality and need bigger markers. Make some tests using your webcam to figure out the appropriate paper size and marker size.
Every camera comes with its own drivers, so we cannaot guarantee that they will work. We have cerificated two cameras from IDS. To purchase these go to and order worldwide.
Basic control object (little eddd)
Be creative. You can use whatever object you can find (toys, little wooden pieces etc.), as long as the marker can be applied on a straight surface. You can download files for printing in the download area on the website.
If you buy the edddison projection kit or the edddison tabletop, there will be a little figure (little eddd) included. Obviously, you can also design your own objects and print them with a 3D printer.
If you have 3D Printer we provide 3D Files of little eddd on our homepage:
Marker stickers
A easy solution is to print markers on stickers. E.g. use Herma labels. Herma No. 5067 Ø 60mm diameter labels No. 5066 Ø 40mm Lables, Ø 30 mm, white No. 4387 30mm
Many other companies are offering such stickers too. e.g. Apli
You can also just print them on white paper and glue them onto your objects.
More details on how to do that will be given in the next steps.
Step 9: Make an Edddison Project
Now that you have the edddison projection table you can either make your own edddison project using:
- 3D Software (Unity / Unreal Engine / 3DS Max Interactive / Autodesk Navisworks / Tecnomatix Plant Simulation / Sketchup
- 3D Model
- edddison plugin for the 3D Software
- edddison editor license (14 Day Trial)
For detailed information on how to do that go to:
For this tutorial we are just going to download the ready-built Unreal Engine Demo.
- Go to
- Download "edddison Unreal Farnsworth Demo"
- Log in to the edddison dashboard and get the software and license:
- Install the edddison software
- Open the Unreal demo .exe, edddison will start automatically with it
- Add License
- Import edddison project file (in the Demo Folder)
Afterwards follow this very detailed tutorial to set up the software:
Its super easy!
It will tell you how to set up and configure your tabletop, print your markers, etc.!
Step 10: All Done
Thats it!
You are all done! Dont forget to have a look at our F.A.Q.s for more answers: And if there is anything else just comment here in the instructable or write as at info,at,!