Introduction: Educational Board for Attiny 2313

I've made this board for learning uC programming. It's very simple and easy to solder. As programmer I'am using USB_ASP - project from site , but there could be used any other porgrammer for avr's with ISP connector. Project was realised in EAGLE. I'm attaching schematic and board files.

Step 1: Making PCB

PCB was done by the termo-transfer methode ('cos it's best methode i've ever tried).

Here is list of all parts:

Capacitors: 1x 100nF; 2x 33pF
Resistors: 5x 260Ohm , 1x 4.7kOhm
IC: Attiny2313
Others: 5 led diodes, connectors as on images

Step 2: Ending Result

At the end, the photo of this board, just assembled and working.