Introduction: Egg Drop
Are you a teacher looking for a fun hands on assighnment or are you a student looking for ideas on how to make your egg drop well heres something for both.For the teacher a eggdrop is where the student must make a contraption to drop from a certain height with a egg inside that must not break.THis could beheld as a compitition (suggested) or just a fun experiment.
Step 1: Things You Will Need
You will need,
In this bag you can put materials that you see fit for your students to use (note: there should be same thing in every team/ones bag)
in my BAG'O FUN I had
2 cups
3 squares of toilet paper
1 paper
2 poster cards
7 tooth picks
1 bag
3cotton balls
1 yard of sring
1 pencile
and tape
In this bag you can put materials that you see fit for your students to use (note: there should be same thing in every team/ones bag)
in my BAG'O FUN I had
2 cups
3 squares of toilet paper
1 paper
2 poster cards
7 tooth picks
1 bag
3cotton balls
1 yard of sring
1 pencile
and tape
Step 2: Students Ideas
For the teacher give the bags to the students and tell them the rules you come up with you can also give them time limits.For the students get the supplies and think of some ideas here is one students.He planed to put padding on the inside adn have it rotate with a pericute to slow it down.
Step 3: Padding
First he took the cup and made a landing system using tooth picks. Then he put the cotton balls in bottom and used the second cup to cover the top.
Step 4: Slow Down
then he made the tilted wings useing poster cards and tape. Then the paracute he used the plastic bag attached with string to the cup.
Step 5: Conclusion
He should of covered more surface area to cause greater friction and slow down faster!