Introduction: Egg Shell Scouring Paste

I decided to make a scouring paste with egg shells. Sometimes you get stubborn stains in dishes, pots and sinks. Instead of tossing all those shells into the bin, you could turn them into good use as egg shell powder is a good non toxic abrasive.


7 empty egg shells

Dishwashing liquid

Blender (or mortar/pestle)

Mixing jar


Step 1: Prepare Egg Shells

Rinse and dry egg shells in sunlight.

Place dried egg shells in a blender ( or mortar/pestle).

Grind to powder form and pour into empty jar.

Step 2: Mix

Add 40ml of dishwashing liquid to the egg shell powder.

Stir with spatula until well mixed.

Scouring paste is ready to use.

NB: Keep tightly covered when not in use.

Eggs Challenge

Participated in the
Eggs Challenge