Introduction: Egg in the Basket

There is nothing I love to eat more than eggs.

In every possible variation: sunny-side-up, scrambled, and even hard-boiled ones.

But when I discovered the - egg in the basket, everything changed.

It may sound ridiculous, but when I was a kid, making this dish seemed to be very complicated mission.

Each time I made it, I felt like I was an independent woman, who knew what she was doing, and who can manage complex dishes in the kitchen.

For 5 minutes, I felt no longer like a little girl.

And of course... it never let me down. Always delicious.

I just LOVED it.



  • Pan
  • or Microwave (also an option)


  • A slice of bread or two
  • Egg (per slice)
  • Butter
  • Favorite cheese
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Step 1:

Make a hole in the center of the bread slice. (You can use a template in the shape of a circle, a cup, or even with your hand.)

Step 2:

Heat butter in a pan (preferably with a non-stick coating) over a medium flame.

Step 3:

Fry the slice of bread in a pan until it turns golden brown on both sides.

Step 4:

Pour the egg into the hole in the slice of bread, put salt and pepper, cover the pan, and fry for about 2 more minutes over a low flame, until the egg is done to the desired size.

Step 5:

And there you have it!

Enjoy :)