Introduction: Eggy Wegg Nogg
Eggnog is a staple of one of the most successful DIY cultures in recent memory. While their brothers and sisters suffered in Europe, working and producing for the landed gentry, the Americans, in the colonies, could own their own cows, chickens and the fruits of their fields. To sell these products and to ease transport, they could be mixed before transit. Eggs, milk, cream, and distilled rye (the latter, as a preservative, could avoid the crown's tax man - the stronger the brew, the less the alcohol was taxed.) It is truly an egalitarian drink. What follows is a traditional colonial Nogg recipe, simple and strong. That having been said, you're going to want to make this at least a couple days before you drink it so it has time to become much smoother.
- 1/2 dozen eggs
- 1 quart cream
- 1 pint milk (or half-and-half for a thicker nog)
- 1/2 cup molasses
- 3 cups rye whiskey
- 1 cup dark rum
- 1/2 cup brandy
- whole nutmegs
- cinnamon
- cardamon
- nutmeg grater
- whisk
- mixing bowl (a 64 oz Pyrex is perfect)
- jug to hold the finished product
Step 1: The Nonalcoholic Ingredients
You'll need to mix the half-and-half with the cream, eggs and molasses first; if the dairy stuff is mixed directly with the alcohol it'll curdle.
Whip the eggs. Then add the cream, half-and-half, and the molasses and whip it again. This should be about 8 cups in total. Pour this into the jug and set it aside.
Whip the eggs. Then add the cream, half-and-half, and the molasses and whip it again. This should be about 8 cups in total. Pour this into the jug and set it aside.
Step 2: The Good Stuff
Put all the alcohol in the mixing bowl. Grind in half a nutmeg, add a dash of cinnamon, and a dash of cardamom. Mix it up and pour it all in the jug you set aside before.
Step 3: Shake and Let Sit
Shake it up real good. Let it sit; the longer it's allowed to ferment, the better. You might want to make another batch to have for next year. Should be refrigerated.
Step 4: How to Serve
At parties and gatherings, pour into a small glass and grate some fresh nutmeg on top. Best when served cold.