Introduction: Electric Lock

About: radom diy projects

a good working printed electric lock

Step 1: Design

after a lot of shapes in tinkercad i made this

Step 2: Print It

print the .stl files (modify the parts for solenoids and shaft if needed)

Step 3: Parts

my solenoids are 16mm diammeter and 20mm height. the shaft is 6mm diammeter the parts are from an old laser printer

Step 4: Glue Them

glue those items with epoxy glue

Step 5: Shaft

add the shaft,a spring like the pics, then add those cylinder items to the shaft (glue them with instant glue if needed)

Step 6: The Other Shaft

modify this part for your shaft if needed

Step 7: Lock-unlock

connect those parts together with some screws (this must can move easily)

Step 8: The Other Spring

add like the pics the part for the other spring

Step 9: Diodes

add diodes to the coils to protect your control circuit

Step 10: End

its ready this work with 24v dc.

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