Introduction: Electro Shock Device Out of a 9V Adapter

About: Hi :) My name is Leslie, and I'm from Hungary. I'm interested in almost every DIY things. I like the repair things, or crafting them by myself.


This is an old version of this project, check out a brand new one! :)

This is a shock device, what you can use as a taser, or a torture device. I have tried it, and I'm alive. The output voltage is about 600-1000 Volts in the maximum strenght. The power source is a 9V battery, so you don't have to worry about any mistakes, or failure, cause this is not AC.

I do not take responsibility for any injuries, or death.

So let's start this.

Step 1: Tools

You don't need all of the following tools, but I recommended these one, cause with these, you can make it easier. 

-Wire Stripper
-Hot Glue Gun

Step 2: Parts

So, this is a list of all the parts, what I have used to make it work.

-Copper wires

-9V AC/DC Adapter (or 6/12V it doesn't matter so much)

-560 Ohm resistor

-DC motor (any kind can be good)


-100k Ohm variable resistor

-200k Ohm variable resistor

-2 nail (not necessary)

-33k Ohm resistor

The resistors can be other Ohm, I used the 560, 100k, 200k, cause I have found these ones. No leds, or somethings like that is attached to the device, so the voltage is not a big problem. A bigger resistor, a smaller shock. That's it.

Step 3: Circuit

If you want a bigger voltage, you can just miss the resistors.

Step 4: Circuit - Adapter

Cut out the circuit board from the adapter, and connect the left wires together

Step 5: Circuit - Wiring (main Part)

If you miss the resistors, you get a very high powered "taser", but if you leave the resistors, you can get a fun shock device (like BDSM devices), and you can control the voltage.

I have used the DC motor for a repeater (or something like that to make the current continuous). It will turn on, and spinning when you turn on this device. Don't leave anything near the motor, because DC motors can burn out, if something prevent the rotation.

Step 6: Finish It!

We are almost complete. Now, you can put it into a box, like me, and make it much more beautiful.

I hope I can help you. I have searched for this (or a kind of this) circuit on the internet, but I didn't found anything like that (just similar, but I think this is the best)

Turn on the device, and have fun. :D

Have a nice day.

I do not take responsibility for any injuries, or death! I have tried it, but I don't know how you can make it. Principle, it can not injure you, but please don't touch the wires for too long time. High voltage can be harmful. Don't try this on animals!