Introduction: Evil April Fools Prank

If you have a grudge on someone or simply love mischief then this is the prank for you! >:D

this is for the april fools day contest so please rate!

Step 1: Materials

 so here's what your gonna need:

a ladder thats tall enough to reach above the actual door (see pic below)

plastic cups- atleast 20 depending on the ladder

water (enough to fill each cup half way) or eggs (depending on how evil you are >:D)

a door (attached to the rest of the house)


and a victim (the most key component) 

Step 2: The Ladder

 so, after you have collected your supplies ad have your victim, your gonna need to place the ladder on the little area of wall above the door (get the entire ladder as close up against the door as you can so the victim doesn't slip past the ladder)

Step 3: The Cups

 now that the ladder is in place either fill up the cups half way with water, or place one egg in each cup, place the cups on the steps (all of em even the top one and a better idea would be to stack them like a pyramid, for more catastrophe, the best part! so you may need more cups) Also, an even funnier (but may break valuables) is to place the ladder against the side the swings out, so when the victim opens the door it knocks over the ladder (instead of finding the ladder blocking the doorway)

Step 4: The Hardest Part and the Big Reward/ Punishment

 so, now that the trap is set you have to wait :( which is the hardest part (due to the fact that you probably did this really early in the morning or really late) but once the victim encounters the trap you finally get your big reward! seeing him/her struggle to get all the cups down with out dropping one and moving the ladder! unfortunately the victim will escape and you will be severely punished (unless you run for it)  ENJOY!!!!

(please subscribe or check out my other pranks!)
April Fools Day Project: Prank Contest

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April Fools Day Project: Prank Contest