Introduction: Fake Coral From Packing Worms

About: Artist, Poet, Author, from the seaside town of Cardigan in Wales, UK

I ordered a ceramic fish online, and when it arrived, the box containing my purchase was full of packing worms. I was wondering how to recycle them and decided to make some fake coral to display my new fish!


For this project, all I needed was some packing worms, a lump of polystyrene, a glue gun, and some spray paint.

Step 1: Creating the Base

First, I scratched any flat surfaces away from the lump of polystyrene to make it look more like a piece of rock. I then used hot glue to stick the packing worms to the polystyrene.

Step 2: Creating the Coral Clump

I carried on hot gluing the packing worms to each other to create the coral clump. It is important to hold the pieces in place for a few seconds until they set. It is surprisingly quick and easy to do.

Step 3: Colouring the Coral

Once I was happy with my coral clump, I spray painted the coral with two shades of pink. The spray paint does melt the polystyrene and the packing worms a little bit, but that just helps to make it look more like coral. And that is really all there is to it! A super easy project with great results.

Step 4: Completion

I used up the remainder of packing worms on a smaller, coral clump and sprayed with it with yellow and pink. I can’t wait till my next package arrives because I am dying to make more!

Unusual Uses Contest

First Prize in the
Unusual Uses Contest