Introduction: Family Chicken Drumsticks

This recipe is a nice, easy and CHEAP meal. Good for people with a limited budget or even if your looking for a nice tasty chicken dish for the whole family.

Step 1: What You Need

What you will need is

Diamond drumstick coating packet x2
( I recommend one hot n spicy and one original )

3 eggs - beaten

Chicken drumsticks - see on your drumsticks coating packet to see how many they make.

Salt and pepper

Step 2: Prepare

Turn on the oven to 200 degrees Celsius on traditional bake.

Step 3: Make Them

Dip the drumsticks into the beaten eggs, let drip for a few seconds. Coat in the coating/crumbs ( I have mixed together the hot n spicy and the original to get a beautiful flavour). Place on the tray not touching each other.

Step 4: Cook

Place in the hot oven and baste with oil.
Cook for 15-17 minutes, turn over and cook for another 12-15 minutes.

Tip: to check if they are cooked, grab a skewer or toothpick and poke a hole and if all the fatty juices ooze out they are very close to ready.cook for another 5 minutes to make sure they are cooked.

Step 5: Serve

Et Voila! Serve with some homemade hot chips with a side of sauce, and there you have a nice home cooked dinner that the whole family will love!

Enjoy and good luck!
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