Introduction: Far-Away Object Gripper

This is a tutorial on how to create a robotic arm that can go in hard to reach places.

Step 1: Materials

You will need:
2 x 3D printed parts(shaped as a corner)
Arduino Uno
Super Glue
Wooden stick(3ft x 1/2in x 1/2in)
Servo Motors
Jumper Cables
Bread Board
9 volt battery

Step 2: Build

1. Super Glue the 3D printed part to one servo motor.( Do this for both 3D parts.)
2. Super Glue the servo to the stick.(Put each servo motor onto a stick.)
3.Attach the arduino, breadboard, and battery to the sticks. Leave two inches between the sticks.
4. Wire it up using the wire schematics photo.
5. Code the arduino.(Here is the link to the google doc where the code is written. )

Step 3: Congrats

You are now done. Enjoy the gripper.

Power Supply Contest

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Power Supply Contest

Invention Challenge 2017

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Invention Challenge 2017