Introduction: DIY: Cheap, Fast and Easy Clothing Labels
I really drag every year when it is time to tag all of my kids clothes. I really dislike the pen and tape method, for one its a lot of work to write all the name again and again, and it is just doesn't look nice. The Dymo is nice, but you actually need the machine and the tape is not cheap. I can actually go online and buy the many option there is on the internet. But I decided to devise a way to do it at home, fast and easy.
Materials you will need
1. Fusible interface (You should be able to buy this at any craft store, buy the thick kind that it is stiff enough to go through your printer, otherwise, it will get stuck.). I bought mine in a local craft store for 50 cents for 2 yards.
2. Computer/Laptop
3. Inkjet/Laser Printer
4. Scissors
5. Iron
6. Ironing Board
Materials you will need
1. Fusible interface (You should be able to buy this at any craft store, buy the thick kind that it is stiff enough to go through your printer, otherwise, it will get stuck.). I bought mine in a local craft store for 50 cents for 2 yards.
2. Computer/Laptop
3. Inkjet/Laser Printer
4. Scissors
5. Iron
6. Ironing Board
Step 1: Print
1. Cut your fusible interface into letter size.
2. In words, photoshop, illustrator, or whatever software you have at home, type your kids name and repeat it as many times as you need. Mine fits 5 columns x 15 rows, so I managed to make 75 tags per letter sheet.
3. Print ONLY IN BLACK! I have tried this in color, and it will just wash right out in the washing machine. The black stays.
4. And make sure the print side = non-adhesive side. You will know which is the adhesive side, its waxy and kinda shiny.
2. In words, photoshop, illustrator, or whatever software you have at home, type your kids name and repeat it as many times as you need. Mine fits 5 columns x 15 rows, so I managed to make 75 tags per letter sheet.
3. Print ONLY IN BLACK! I have tried this in color, and it will just wash right out in the washing machine. The black stays.
4. And make sure the print side = non-adhesive side. You will know which is the adhesive side, its waxy and kinda shiny.
Step 2: Cut
Cut out your print into correct size.
Step 3: Iron
Iron your fusible interface to your clothing and VOILA you are finish! You can wash this normally and it will stay put!